In Conversation With: Denzel Washington and Dana Canedy

In December 2021, I got to sit down with Denzel Washington and Dana Canedy to discuss their new film A Journal for Jordan. Denzel directs this project, which tells the true story of Dana’s life meeting, falling in love with, losing, and making a life after Sgt Charles Monroe King (played by Michael B. Jordan). Shortly before he was killed in action, Dana and Charles welcomed a son - Jordan - and Dana gave Charles a journal to take with him, to make sure whatever happened, their son would be able to learn from his Dad. Here’s how it went!

Brianna (TBP)

Hi, I'm Brianna from The Black Project. On The Black Project I'm quite passionate about telling the stories of real black figures and Denzel, looking at what you've directed over the years, I think that may be true of you too. Why are these stories important to you?

Denzel Washington

This most importantly, is a love story. Love is universal. But love is very specific. Love isn't black, love isn't white, blue or green. This is a colorblind, heart full, painful, joyful love story. Charles lives on. Forever, through their love, in a small way through our film. But most importantly - well not most importantly - but importantly, through his son. And love never dies. But I don't want to just you know -I keep hearing black love, black love. This is the United States of America. This is not the black states, the white states, the left states, when you die, this man gave his soul for his country. He didn't die black. He didn't die white. He died red.

Dana Canedy

Yeah, that's right.

Denzel Washington

So I just wanted you know, I'm serious about that, I want that put out there. We're not going to reduce this film, to some political point of view. And I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I know that's not what you're doing. But people might, and it's more than that. It's universal. Its themes are universal. And those themes stem from the specific.

Brianna (TBP)

Absolutely. I think it's important that you've said that because as much as I want to talk about black life. And I want to talk about experiences of black people because there is differences. Fundamentally, we're human beings. Congratulations, the film is absolutely gorgeous. I sobbed for the last 20 minutes of the film just consistently. Dana, you've of course shared this story already, through your writing. How did this experience of putting it out in a more entertainment based way feel for you, how was that to go through?

Dana Canedy

I was on a mission, which is to share our story. Because of the universal themes that Denzel just spoke about. I wanted people to know about this honorable man, I wanted them to understand that love, even when you lose it, is a gift. And so whatever I had to do to be a part of sending this out into the world, I was grateful for the opportunity to do it. And you know, you mentioned crying. And I think most people cry when they see it. But I think they also laugh when they see this film. There are some very funny moments, I hope some uplifting moments. I think it's the perfect holiday film to take your family to their hands hold the ones who love close. Because as we go through the season of Thanksgiving, we're all reflecting on what we're thankful for. This is a family movie that I think people can share together. (AN: A Journal for Jordan was released in the USA at Christmas, 2021)

Brianna (TBP)

100%. So legacy is a big focus in this film, and what we leave behind. A lot of the time that can focus on career, but as human beings, what would you two like your legacy to be in this world?

Dana Canedy

My son, I don't need anything more than that.

Denzel Washington

I like that. What is the definition of legacy?

Dana Canedy

I think it's about how people remember you in a way that contextualizes your life. And so in terms of Charles my Charles, it was, it's important to me to protect his legacy. So that throughout time he's remembered for his honor, for his dignity for his sacrifice and for his love. And that's what it means for me. But I don't need anyone to remember me at all. Just remember my son.

Brianna (TBP)

And he is a remarkable young man if the film is anything to go on. So that's a great legacy to have. Thank you both so much for your time and good luck with the rest of your day.

Denzel Washington

Thank you.

Dana Canedy

Take care.

Brianna (TBP)

Thank you. Bye

A Journal for Jordan is out now in Cinemas around the UK, rated 12A.


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